
Social responsibility

We aim to take social responsibility and contribute to ensure good working conditions and non-discrimination.


Equal opportunities, professional development, inclusion, diversity and respect of our employees, procedures to ensure fair hiring process and active participation in charitable events.


Increase safety

Employee upskilling

Collaboration with social sector

Our activities

Improve employee engagement

Make sure our employees work in a safe, non-discriminatory and respectable.

Growth opportunities

Provide our employees with an opportunity to upgrade their professional skills, grow their talents and become members of trade unions.

Participate in charitable and social events

To contribute to a safer and better society we encourage our employees to actively engage in charitable social events. 

Know more about our plans and progress so far

Recently, we have begun documenting our sustainability progress and committed to create a sustainability progress and goals report every year. The Sustianbaility statement, Vision 2030 and the ESG Declaration will soon be available. Download the most recent reports on sustainability, future plans and progress at Van Ameyde when available.

Sustainability Statement

Our transition plan towards sustainability.

Vision 2030

Plans for the Net zero transition.

ESG declaration

Compliance with GRI standards in line with the ESG declarations.

Related pages



Sustainable procurement

Corporate governance