UK Claim Registration

Travel Claims

Travel Claims If you are looking to make a claim for out-of-pocket expenses against your Travel Insurance policy please download the claim form: Travel Claims Form.
Travel Insurance forms should be returned with copies of invoices or receipts of expenses and a copy of your policy schedule.

Please ensure that all relevant questions are fully completed and that your form is accompanied by the relevant documentation as specified above.
Claims are set up within 48 hours working hours of receipt. Should you have any questions, you can speak to a member of our team on 020 83 15 07 32.
Claims forms can be returned via email or posted to: 34 The Mall, Bromley, Kent BR1 1TS.

Experience Day Cancellation Claims

If you are looking to make a claim for an Experience Day please download the claim form: Experience Day Claim Form.
Experience Day forms should be returned with copies of your voucher/s, along with any relevant supporting evidence as laid out in the cover letter on the form.
Please ensure that all relevant questions are fully completed and that your form is accompanied by the relevant documentation as specified above.

Claims are set up within 48 hours working hours of receipt. Should you have any questions, you can speak to a member of our team on 020 83 15 07 32.
Claims forms can be returned via email or posted to: 34 The Mall, Bromley, Kent BR1 1TS.

Personal Accident Claims

If you are looking to make a claim against your Personal Accident Insurance policy please download the appropriate claim form: Personal Accident Claim Form.

Personal Accident claim forms should be returned with a copy of your policy schedule and copies of any supporting medical documentation. This can be in the form of medical certificates from your GP or letters from your hospital or specialist. Please ensure that all relevant questions are fully completed. Claims are set up within 48 hours working hours of receipt.

Should you have any questions, you can speak to a member of our team on 020 83 15 07 32.
Claims forms can be returned via email or posted to: 34 The Mall, Bromley, Kent BR1 1TS.

Motor Claims

If you have been involved in a Road Traffic incident with one of our foreign clients and need to register a claim, please contact us as below:

you can speak to a member of our team on 020 83 15 07 01 or email

Claims are set up within 48 hours working hours of receipt.