Hungarian insurance company Gránit Biztosító Zrt. is strongly focused on the international logistics sector. As a result, the company deals with a high number of cross-border motor liability claims. Van Ameyde settles all Wáberer’s cross-border motor liability claims throughout Europe, so helping to secure the company’s ongoing success story.
From Hungary throughout Europe
Gránit Biztosító Zrt. is both part of Waberer’s Group, which operates fleet of 4,300 modern heavy-duty trucks, and a reliable insurer to a wide number of third-party truck fleets, commercial and private car drivers, and motorcyclists.
Waberer’s Group is strongly focused on the transport and logistics sector, and its vehicles drive millions of kilometres throughout Europe every year. The inevitable result of this is that the company has a disproportionately high number of cross-border claims, with the settlement of these claims playing a pivotal role for the insurer.
Speed, transparency and outstanding quality
Gránit Biztosító Zrt. has entrusted this work to Van Ameyde since 2010. The company wanted a proven expert as its partner in international claims management. In particular, Wáberer was impressed by our swift settlement and the fact that the responsible department could view all the claims, at any time, on the Van Ameyde Extranet in compliance with relevant data protection regulations – including information on reserves and payments made.
The clinching argument was the quality of our outcomes. High quality claims processing is always critical to a good outcome, but this is even more true of cross-border claims, which are often beset with uncertainties, including national jurisdictions, different legal systems and different languages.
Thanks to our proactive claims management and solution-oriented negotiations, we ensure that Wáberer’s claims experience is always optimised and under control.
This is Gránit Biztosító Zrt.’s story. What’s yours?
“Our cross-border claims must be proactively processed and settled. We are responsible for our company’s insurance claims. For this we need a clear insight into the claims portfolio and an overview of the costs at all times. We also attach great importance to the highly qualified processing of our cases, especially for major claims. For over ten years now, Van Ameyde and its subsidiary Interschaden have fully met these extremely high demands. Van Ameyde is our ideal business partner.” – Gránit Biztosító Zrt.