Argenta: Healthy Financial Lives
“With these people, at both Van Ameyde and Argenta, the partnership can only lead to even more resounding successes!”
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På Van Ameyde är vi dedikerade till din framgång när du navigerar genom försäkringsbranschens komplexiteter. Vårt engagemang sträcker sig bortom bara tjänster; det innefattar en djup förståelse för dina unika behov och utmaningar. Oavsett om du är försäkringsgivare, mäklare eller företag, är vi här för att ge dig skräddarsydda lösningar som driver effektivitet, minskar risker och förbättrar din operativa excellens. Läs framgångshistorier från våra andra värderade kunder nedan.
“With these people, at both Van Ameyde and Argenta, the partnership can only lead to even more resounding successes!”
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“We also attach great importance to the highly qualified processing of our cases, especially for major claims. For over ten years now, Van Ameyde and its subsidiary Interschaden have fully met these extremely high demands. Van Ameyde is our ideal business partner.”
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“Van Ameyde Systems provides a platform that allows us to realise our online strategy and secure the efficiency of our organisation.”
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“The sharing economy requires trust to work. Working with Van Ameyde, we can offer the security people need to feel before they take that leap.”
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Lemonade, the insurance market’s most talked about disruptor, is powered by artificial intelligence and driven by social good. When the company officially unveiled its insurance to the European market, Van Ameyde immediately came into the picture.
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“Van Ameyde is knowledgeable and experienced in their field, which ensured a good working relationship through the life of the project.”
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