Van Ameyde Global
EnglishClaims Management in Plain English
For anyone who is interested in Van Ameyde, but is not exactly sure what claims management is…
We’re all confronted with damage at one time or other. You may accidentally cause damage to someone else’s property or find that your own property is damaged. Fortunately, you’ll have most of your possessions insured: your car, your home, your household effects. You are also likely to have travel and third-party liability insurance. All of these come under the heading ‘non-life insurance’. You don’t really know what your insurance policy will do for you until you actually suffer loss or damage. If this happens, it’s up to the loss adjuster or claims manager to settle your claim as quickly and efficiently as possible. When you notify a claim, you trigger a complicated process of which you, as the insured party, may be unaware of.
What is Claims Management?
Claims management is a collective term for all work that Van Ameyde carries out for people or companies that suffer damage, as well as for the insurance provider. What does this work involve?
- Registering the claim notification (by telephone, e-mail, post or online), which automatically opens the client file.
- Checking the cover: is the damage insured and up to what amount? Asking for documents such as police reports of road accidents, medical reports in case of injury, invoices, etc.
- Determining which party is liable for the damage if another party is involved.
- Determining the amount of the claim and engaging a loss adjuster if necessary.
- Arranging for the damage to be repaired or for transport back home if the damage occurs abroad.
- Paying the claim to the insured party.
- Recovering losses from liable (responsible) third parties, if applicable.
- Reporting to our client (the insurance provider), including management information, showing e.g. the progress of all their claims files and the total amounts to be reserved and paid.
- Fraud prevention checks.
We handle hundreds of thousands of claims all over Europe every year!
IT powers compliance with customer requirements and regulation
Working for hundreds of customers and thousands of claimants throughout Europe presents a challenge: how to comply with each client’s exact wishes and quality requirements, as well as local and European legislation? Van Ameyde’s answer is the continuous development of agile SaaS (software as a service, aka cloud) IT functionality, the basis of which is its international claims management platform. Stipulations from Service Level Agreements and applicable regulations determine the steps in the claims process, which is activity driven. As a result, our claims handlers know exactly what to do for each client and when to do it.
Dealing with highly privacy-sensitive data, Van Ameyde’s in-house IT organisation (Van Ameyde Systems) is ISO 27001:2013 certified for its Information Security Management.